Purple Day® Every Day Blog

Real people with epilepsy. Real families. Real stories. Real strength. Real hope.

The Purple Day® Every Day blog consists of a growing network of people with epilepsy, their caregivers and family members, other advocates and even some health care providers (HCPs) within the epilepsy community committed to helping us raise awareness each and every day of the year.
Want to submit your story? Click here to sign up to be a guest blogger!


by Ann Marie Bezuyen
by Ann Marie Bezuyen
by Ann Marie Bezuyen
We had a busy weekend at a family wedding. It was a lot of fun, but we were exhausted! On Monday morning I was all ready for school, and excited
by Ann Marie Bezuyen
Laura: I will be starting high school this year. I’m very nervous about this, and don’t know what it will be like. I am looking forward to seeing my friends,
by Ann Marie Bezuyen
We were getting ready to go out of town to visit family. Dad was getting ready to go in the bedroom. I was waiting in the living room when Laura
by Ann Marie Bezuyen
Recently my sister broke her wrist. I was asked to help her a lot, and she got a lot of attention with others asking how she was doing. The first
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