This has been a very difficult summer for me. It began with my Dad unexpectedly needing to have open heart surgery and that was a very scary experience for my whole family to get through. Simultaneously, I was diagnosed with SLE Lupus, and although I should not have been shocked it caused me to become even more concerned about my future health. All of this at once created a whirlwind of anxiety at a level that I have never experienced. My insides were constantly quivering, and I was crying uncontrollably. My inability to sleep was already a problem, and the anxiety only escalated it. However, this was a blessing in disguise during my Dad’s recovery because I was able to do the night shift of care for him.
With the anxiety followed depression. They were like best friends. The sense of isolation that came creeping in was dreadful and painful. Thankfully my Doctor was able to rearrange my medications to be safe with the new Lupus medication I have to take, and my Dad began to recover nicely. Things finally began to get back on track.I cannot stress it enough how important being able to advocate for Epilepsy Awareness through The Anita Kaufmann Foundation is for me. It gives me a sense of purpose and focus that I greatly believe in.
Despite the stressors this summer, I have been able to experience some neat things, and have a few more in the works. first podcast with a podcast called Epi-Center. It was a great experience and I really enjoyed it.
I had the privilege to do myIn June, I was beyond excited to chat with Phil Hayden of Sail For Epilepsy while he was out to sea. That was an amazing! I have also been able to do a presentation about Epilepsy and Seizure Action Plans for a school district’s school nurses. In addition, I visited a Senior Center and presented on Epilepsy Awareness there as well. That’s been one of my favorite presentations thus far.
This month, I plan to speak to medical providers and their assistants at a local medical clinic. I’m greatly looking forward to this opportunity.
We all go through ebbs and flows of life, and I’m thankful to the Anita Kaufman Foundation for their support.