How YOU Can Get Involved as a Purple Day® Every Day Ambassador

Author: Alyssa Holmes, Purple Day® Every Day Ambassador

Alyssa Holmes is a Purple Day® Every Day Ambassador and Guest Contributor for the Purple Day® Every Day Blog.

Purple day, every day you say? What is this some new challenge or trend? No! It’s nowhere close to that.  

Listen up, it’s Purple Day® Every Day for epilepsy awareness! 

Take a moment and think to yourself, how many people do you know who have epilepsy? Now think, do you know what to do if they had a seizure? Are you aware 1 in 26 people in the United States are diagnosed with epilepsy?  

Listen up people, epilepsy is not a rare thing, but few people truly understand that it is not just seizures and that it is not a mental disorder.  

We are spreading the word through our communities like a purple rush of fresh air. So open your arms, open your minds, and welcome anyone from anywhere for a few minutes to a few hours and help us share a little or a lot about epilepsy, seizures and spread awareness. 

We have trained the school faculty, handing out purple bookmarks, posters, action plans for parents with children who have epilepsy, and so much more. We have encouraged a book reading for someone who has epilepsy to visit the children and read a story that suits their grade level such as The Great Katie Kate Explains Epilepsy by M. Maitland DeLand M.D. so they can answer any questions that the children may have.  

Also, work towards training police and fire departments, they will be very open to the thought. Try posting a video about doing trainings for anyone and you will not believe the responses! It’s fantastic! 

So get out there, get the community involved and listening. Once you do, move forward and create something bigger by joining the health fairs and showing what purple really represents on a daily basis to you! 

You, me, everyone can do this together. Just put in a little effort and we will make it a worldwide Purple Day® Every Day, most common part of our lives! Just give it a shot! 

To become a Purple Day® Every Day Ambassador and get involved, click here to sign up. Be sure to follow the Purple Day® Every Day social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and reach out to the team! They are always looking for new voices to write blog posts just like this one. 

I look forward to sharing more about my story and spreading epilepsy awareness with my friends at Purple Day® Every Day. You can follow me on Instagram at @alyssa2_1nicole and on Facebook by clicking here.

This blog post was authored by a guest contributor and supporter of Purple Day® Every Day. To tell your story, or submit content, please contact the Purple Day® Every Day Blog editor, Jim Merse by emailing [email protected]. We will make every effort possible to share all content we receive but cannot guarantee posting.

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