Father, Actor, Epilepsy Advocate – Greg Grunberg hosts “The Care Giver Series”

Greg Grunberg: Actor, producer, and comic book author.

Greg Grunberg is an actor, producer, and comic book author, but if you asked him, he would tell you the roles closest to his heart are father, caregiver, and advocate. Greg’s eldest son, Jake, is living with epilepsy, and the actor has used his celebrity status and voice within the epilepsy community to empower patients, fight the stigma surrounding seizures, and bring caregivers together to share information and support.

As the host of the online series “The Care Giver,” in collaboration with Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Greg connects with families who share their personal stories of caring for loved ones who have faced dozens, even hundreds, of daily seizures associated with epilepsy. While each family’s story is unique, Greg can relate to their challenging journeys searching for an accurate diagnosis, the disappointment and devastation when medicines and therapies fail, and their determination to continue fighting and still maintain hope – even in the face of adversity.

Throughout the series, Grunberg recounts the stories of caregivers to loved ones with epilepsy with warmth, familiarity, and even humor, talking directly to fellow parents about both the inspiring and difficult moments that take place when caring for someone who is experiencing frequent uncontrolled seizures. The series highlights the formation of lasting friendships and the bonds that will endure even after the camera stops rolling as Greg honors each caregiver with a day of personal care in return.

The Care Giver is a series full of incredible stories from diagnosis to starting on treatment that will bring you hope and provide strength in knowing you’re not alone on this journey. Follow along on YouTube or at www.TheCareGiverSeries.com


This post is sponsored by: Jazz Pharmaceuticals

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