Epilepsy Services Foundation

Where kids can be kids. Where families find support. Where hope endures.

4628 N Armenia Ave
Tampa, FL 33603
United States


Cassie Corral

[email protected]


ESF offers programs and services that are designed to increase understanding of epilepsy, promote dialogue between persons with epilepsy, families and others dealing with the impact of epilepsy. ESF offers current information about epilepsy, support, encouragement and hope to persons who find themselves struggling with the day-to-day challenges and fears associated with this chronic medical condition. To learn more about our programs, click on the Programs tab.

ESF raises funds to provide scholarships for kids with epilepsy to attend Camp Boggy Creek, three family retreat weekends at Camp Boggy Creek and Deliver the Dream Camp, college scholarships for students affected by epilepsy to pursue a college degree and medical scholarships for persons pursuing the field of neurology. ESF also provides funding for medical support services.

ESF has provided services in the Tampa Bay community for 50 years.

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