This year I did a few things for Purple Day. My daughter Molly is in first grade. Starting on Tuesday, two days before purple day, I sent in a pretty purple flyer for everyone in Molly’s class that let them know what Purple Day was for and when it was so they could wear purple. The next day on Wednesday, I sent in a different purple day flyer and a book about a child who has seizures, and the cover happened to be purple The teacher was nice enough to read this to the class. The next day, on purple day, I sent in purple bracelets for every kid in the class and the teachers. The bracelets were purple and say “support epilepsy” on them. The kids loved them and wore them right away! That night it was an open house at school for the community. I made sugar cookies with purple frosting, some with purple frosting ribbons. I also had several bookmarks about purple day on display and a sign explaining it. People I think really enjoyed it! My family wore purple of course and we had a great time!