Could uncontrolled seizures be a sign of a more specific condition?

The terms “refractory,” “intractable,” or “drug-resistant” seizures could be a clue to an underlying condition such as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS), Dravet syndrome, or tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). For those experiencing uncontrolled seizures, or living with someone who does, it’s important to learn what may be causing them. Seeking a specific diagnosis may uncover an underlying condition and knowing earlier could mean all the difference. It can open a door to treatment options, provide access to foundations and grants or financial assistance, connect you with a supportive community of others who can share their experience, and much more. is an online resource from Jazz Pharmaceuticals for families from who are navigating uncontrolled seizures. This site uses a brief assessment to create a custom discussion guide to help start the conversation with your doctor. It also provides educational information, stories from families who have found a diagnosis, resources, and more.

When it comes to seizures, knowledge is power — getting a specific diagnosis may help by unlocking new possibilities for care, connection, and treatment.

See the stories of families who found a specific diagnosis and learn more at


The post is sponsored by: Jazz Pharmaceuticals. 

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